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9AM- Bible Studies

There are Sunday School classes and Bible studies for all ages.

Click here to find one!


10:30AM- Worship Service

This is our gathered time of worship. We sing, pray, read and hear God's Word together as a family.

Click here to watch online services.


5:30PM- Small Groups

Groups meet in homes or on campus for food, study, and discussion time for all ages.

Find a small group to join!


4-7PM- First Kids' Club

For kids, grades 1-6. Music, Bible study, and a free supper! Also ask about transportation from school.

Click here to find out more!


5PM- Family Supper

$5 per person. $25 max for families.


6PM- Bible Studies

Everyone is welcome to gather in the Fellowship Hall for Bible Study. Students, grades 7-12 will gather in the Upper Room for Bible Study.


7PM- Adult Choir

The Worship Choir rehearses in the Choir Room. Join us in worship!


Watch LIVE!

Watch services live every Sunday at 10:30AM on YouTube. We also stream special events.

Click here to find us on YouTube!


Coming up at FBC


Candlelight Christmas Eve Service

6PM in the Sanctuary


Sunday School and Small Groups resume on Sunday, January 5.


Midweek activitied resume on Wednesday, January 8.


Click here to get more information!




We believe in worshiping God as he has commanded us in Scripture. We sing, pray, read the Bible, and give together. The pinnacle of every worship service is the preaching of God's Word by which the Holy Spirit teaches, guides, and leads us to be more like Jesus.


Our worship services are reverent, but not stuffy or rigid. We worship God with joy! Our music style is blended as we sing historic Christian hymns alongside of modern hymns and worship songs.


We are a gathering of all types of people from different places and different walks of life. There is no formal dress code nor any other expectations. Your whole famiy is welcome to join us, but nursery is also provided for babies and young children.


If you are in or near the Panhandle area, we would love for you and your family to worship with us!



420 S Bliss Ave.

Dumas, TX 79029

Tel: (806) 935-5604

Office Hours:

Monday - Thursday

7:00am - 12:30pm

1:30pm - 5:00pm


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